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Reddit Legal Advice

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Reddit is an online community that provides free legal advice. The moderators offer free legal advice to the community, even though users can't choose identifying user names. This means that legal advice and practice of law are free for all users. The moderator team also includes lawyers, law students, as well subject matter experts in many areas.


The Legal advice subreddit can be a great place to find simple answers to your legal questions. You can ask questions and get answers about legal concepts, from bankruptcy to divorce. The advice given here should be considered entertainment only and not as legal advice. To fully understand your rights and to obtain legal advice, contact a local attorney. In addition, be sure to check the information provided by moderators before acting on it.

LegalAdvice mods are overwhelmingly lawyers. Only a few LA mods can be considered police officers, and even those are abusive. ProtectAndServe has free legal help. Bola is still a moderator for LegalAdvice. However, it should be noted that there are some subreddits where you can get free advice from experts, such as "legaladvice-subreddit".

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Forum for people who need legal advice

You can find legal advice on forums like r/legaladvice. These forums allow users to ask questions, and get answers from attorneys working in various fields. A forum can provide legal advice, but you need to be careful. While you can often get helpful legal advice from strangers, bad advice can have disastrous consequences. To avoid making mistakes when relying upon unprofessional advice, read this guide.

Reddit Legal Advice: Reddit is a popular website for online discussions. A community can create their subreddits and get involved in these discussions. This subreddit allows for legal advice discussions, and it is open to all who need it. Just type in "r/legaladvice" to contribute and ask questions. The community is open to any type of legal question, from the most complicated legal problems to the simplest of questions.

Guidelines for posting

Reddit has guidelines for posting legal advice. You cannot use your own name or use any form of identifying information to make your post. Reddit moderators do not have any identifiable information. You cannot solicit money for your posts and you are prohibited from practicing law without a license. The Reddit team is made up of lawyers and subject matter experts in various fields.

There are several subreddits for legal issues. These subreddits can be arranged by topic or branch. For example, the subreddit r/law is for everything law related. You can ask questions about housing disputes on the subreddit r/legaladvice. Keep in mind that legal assistance is part of a wider community. It is possible to give concrete advice to those who have asked you your question.

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Rules for posting to r/legaladvice

If you're wondering what to post on the r/legaladvice subreddit, you've come to the right place. This subreddit provides answers and simple questions on legal concepts. The moderators can help direct you in the right direction, and advise you as to what next steps. It is important to understand that the posts on this subreddit don't constitute legal advice. Likewise, those who respond in comments are not necessarily giving legal advice.

Reddit users are anonymous so users can respond in a direct and honest manner. The moderators can't practice law without a license, but it is important to keep in mind. Reddit users don't pay to answer your questions. The moderators, however, are not lawyers. Despite the anonymity of moderators, it is important to not be afraid asking questions and seeking legal guidance.


How are lawyers paid?

Lawyers are compensated for the time they spend on legal matters by billing clients at an hourly rate. The complexity of the matter and how experienced a lawyer is will affect the hourly rate.

Because of their years of experience, most lawyers charge more for an hour because they are highly skilled.

An experienced lawyer might charge less per hour as he/she teaches how to better handle cases.

In addition to hourly rates, lawyers often receive additional compensation for handling certain types of cases. In some cases, lawyers representing criminal defense may be eligible for bonuses if their case is successful.

Are all attorneys required by law to wear suits

No, not necessarily. Some people prefer casual wear while others prefer suits. Many lawyers dress casually. Some states do require lawyers to dress professionally.

Can I become an attorney without going to law school

Yes, you can!

A degree from a non-lawyer institution is sufficient if you have a good understanding of the legal system and its workings. It is important to understand how laws work together, and how they differ.

You should be able read and understand statutes, regulations, court decisions, case law, and other legal documents. You must be familiar with the concepts of civil procedure, criminal procedure, evidence, trial law, case law, employment law, and administrative law.

You must pass the bar examination to practice law. The bar exam is designed to test your legal knowledge and ability to apply it to real-life situations. It's a test of your general knowledge of the law and of your ability to analyze cases and write briefs.

The bar exam consists of two phases. There is the written and oral sections. The written part is composed of multiple choice questions. The oral part includes simulated trials. You must study for the bar exam for at least six months before you can take a qualifying exam.

Not only will you need to pass your bar exam but you also have to be admitted to the jurisdiction where you intend to practice law. Different jurisdictions have different admission requirements. You can check with State Bar Association for information.

What law firm has the highest average salary?

The highest-paying law firms are those that have been around for decades and have established themselves as leaders in their field. They have built an extensive client base by providing excellent service at affordable rates. They also provide excellent benefits like retirement and health insurance.


  • Though the BLS predicts that growth in employment for lawyers will continue at six percent through 2024, that growth may not be enough to provide jobs for all graduating law school students. (rasmussen.edu)
  • According to a 2019 Robert Half Legal Consulting Solutions survey, 54% of law firms were planning to expand their legal teams. (stfrancislaw.com)
  • A Johns Hopkins study of more than 100 professions found lawyers the most likely to have severe depression—four times more likely than the average person. (rasmussen.edu)
  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for lawyers in 2020 was $126,930. (stfrancislaw.com)
  • According to the Law School Admission Council, the number of people applying for these programs was up 13% last fall. (stfrancislaw.com)

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How To

How to become an attorney

How to become an attorney? The first thing you should do when thinking about becoming a lawyer is to find out what kind of law you want to practice. There are many different kinds of law, such as criminal law, family law, real estate law, corporate law, etc. If you want to specialize in one type of law, then you must study that specific area of law. For example, to specialize in Family Law, you need to complete courses and take exams. This will allow you to learn how to deal with cases in this field. After passing these exams, you can apply to school to get training on this field. This process can take years. Before you start this journey, make sure that you truly want to be a lawyer.

It is possible to study law in college, and become a lawyer. In this instance, you will earn a bachelor’s degree in legal studies. Then, you can begin working as a paralegal. As a paralegal, you help lawyers to prepare documents and files. He/she gathers client data, prepares contracts and drafts court papers. An administrative task performed by a legal assistant is filing paperwork and answering phones. Because it's very rewarding, many people decide to become lawyers after college. However, there are many other ways to become a lawyer besides going to college. People may decide to become a lawyer even without formal education. They just read books and articles about the law and try to figure out how to become a lawyer. It is not easy for someone to become lawyer without attending college. Most states require law degrees to be applied for. A majority of judges prefer candidates who have graduated law school.

If you aren’t sure what kind of law to choose, it is time to think about your interests. Do you enjoy helping people? Do you have an interest in politics? You might be more interested in politics than you are in arguing against them. You can use whatever interest you have to be a lawyer.

By joining a law company, you can also become an attorney. Most lawyers join law firms because they love their job. They love arguing cases, and helping people. But, if you don't want to spend your life doing something you hate, you should consider another option. Instead of joining a large law firm, you might open your own office. You might even hire someone else to help you. Either way, you will still be able to help people.

You don't need to graduate from college to become a legal professional. You can choose to enroll in an online legal school or pursue an associate's program in law. Both options will provide enough knowledge for you to become a legal professional. Online law schools allow you to have flexible classes and schedules that work around your busy schedule. An associate's degree allows you to gain more practical experience.

You must be willing to work hard, regardless of whether you are a lawyer or not. You will need the ability to study each day, pass exams, as well as complete internships. Even though you may not enjoy studying all the time, you will eventually see the benefits of being a lawyer.

Reddit Legal Advice